

Alchemize: $1,500 MXN

  • Description: This bag is the savior for all things! Diarrhea, nausea, low energy. It has everything you need when travelling.
  • Ingredients: B Complex, Vit C, Magnesium, Zinc, Trace Minerals and Sodium Bicarbonate.
  • Benefits: This IV is perfect for anyone who just does not feel 100% and wants to be on point for their holiday or big event.

Immunity Pro: $1,900 MXN

  • Description: Feeling run down? Going on a flight? Got a big action-packed weekend. This IV gives your system everything it needs to stay super healthy.
  • Ingredients: Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, L-arginine (magnesium).
  • Benefits: This IV is perfect for the person who wants to prevent the cold, flu, covid, allergies, or anything that will weaken their immune system.

Skin Glow: $2,200 MXN

  • Description: great for boosting the bodies hydration and plumping the skin making it look and feel younger
  • Ingredients: vitamin c, zinc, selenium, silico
  • Benefits: This IV is perfect for the person who has a big event, wedding weekend or is having photos taken.


extra fluid and more vitamins and minerals

  • 500ml Extra Bag: great for dehydration $200  
  • B complex: energy booster $40 mxn per ml 
  • Vitamin C: For immune system and tissue repair. $40 mxn per ml
  • Zinc: for immune system, metabolism and healing. $36 mxn per ml
  • Glutathione Boost: for reducing oxidative stress and improving liver function  $50 mxn per ml 
  • Magnesium: for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant $30 mxn per ml 
  • Sodium Bicarbonate: electrolyte to help body maintain ph balance, good for reducing stomach acid, indigestion, heartburn. $21 mxn per ml 
  • Selenium: is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and helps defend your body from chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. $60 mxn per ml 
  • Trace Minerals: Trace Minerals: give metabolic benefits like energy utilization, boost your metabolism, improves mood and brain fog. $50 mxn per ml 
  • Melatonin: reduces stress, headache reducer and sleep inhancer $173 mxn per ml 
  • DMSO: to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis $50 mxn per ml 
  • ALA: alpha lipolic Acid: anti-oxident, good for skin, memory and weightloss $120 mxn per ml


medications...when you need them

  • Toradol (anti-inflammatory for head/body)$400 mxn  
  • Omeprazol (acid reflux) $400 mxn per ml 
  • Difenidol (anti-nausea)$400 mxn per ml 
  • Hioscina (anti-inflammatory for stomach pain) $400 mxn per ml