Clean out the crap: $2,200 MXN
- Description: Do you feel like S$%T, well then clean out your body and restore its natural balance. Wanna feel good again, get rid of the crap!
- Ingredients: DMSO, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc.
- Benefits: This IV is perfect for anyone who wants to flush their body, reduces inflammation, bloating, foggy mind and helps rejuvenate the skin.
- Vitamin C: for immune system and tissue repair.
- Magnesium: for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant.
- Zinc: for immune system, metabolism and healing.
- DMSO: to to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.
Mr. or Mrs. Clean: $2,200 MXN
- Description: This detox is next level, remove heavy metals, vaccines, candida, yeast/sugar. It is recommended that this IV is done multiple times and modified on the doctor recommendations. Of course, only having one is not going to hurt . . . but you are going to feel so much better you will want to come back for another!
- Ingredients: Vitamin C, EDTA, Magnesium, Sodium bicarbonate..
- Benefits: This IV is perfect for anyone who wants to return their body/mind back to epic balance, remove the toxins, clear your mind and stop the cravings.
- Vitamin C: For immune system and tissue repair.
EDTA: removes heavy metals and minerals from the blood, such as lead, iron, copper, and calcium.
- Magnesium: for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant.
- Sodium Bicarbonate: electrolyte to help body maintain ph balance, good for reducing stomach acid, indigestion, heartburn
extra fluid and more vitamins and minerals
- 500ml Extra Bag: great for dehydration $200
- B complex: energy booster $40 mxn per ml
Vitamin C: For immune system and tissue repair. $40 mxn per ml
Zinc: for immune system, metabolism and healing. $36 mxn per ml
- Glutathione Boost: for reducing oxidative stress and improving liver function $50 mxn per ml
- Magnesium: for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant $30 mxn per ml
- Sodium Bicarbonate: electrolyte to help body maintain ph balance, good for reducing stomach acid, indigestion, heartburn. $21 mxn per ml
- Selenium: is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and helps defend your body from chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. $60 mxn per ml
- Trace Minerals: Trace Minerals: give metabolic benefits like energy utilization, boost your metabolism, improves mood and brain fog. $50 mxn per ml
- Melatonin: reduces stress, headache reducer and sleep inhancer $173 mxn per ml
- DMSO: to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis $50 mxn per ml
- ALA: alpha lipolic Acid: anti-oxident, good for skin, memory and weightloss $120 mxn per ml
medications...when you need them
- Toradol (anti-inflammatory for head/body)$400 mxn
- Omeprazol (acid reflux) $400 mxn per ml
- Difenidol (anti-nausea)$400 mxn per ml
- Hioscina (anti-inflammatory for stomach pain) $400 mxn per m