Get back in the game: $1,000 MXN
- Description: Are you hungover? Jet-lagged? Dehydrated? Had to much sun and not enough sleep. This IV is our magic bag it will rehydrate, decrease inflammation, reduce nausea, boost your energy, clear the foggy brain and detox your liver. Just in time for happy hour!
- Ingredients: B-Complex, Sodium Bi-carbonate, Multi Trace Minerals.
- Benefits: This IV is #1 seller, it gives you hydration, decreases inflammation, reduces nausea, boosts your energy, clears the foggy brain and detoxes your organs.
Immunity Pro: $1,900 MXN
- Description: Feeling run down? Going on a flight? Got a big action-packed weekend. This IV gives your system everything it needs to stay super healthy.
- Ingredients: Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, L-arginine (magnesium).
- Benefits: This IV is perfect for the person who has Covid/Dengue or any really bad flu or cold and wants a quick recovery without the long lingering side effects.
extra fluid and more vitamins and minerals
- 500ml Extra Bag: great for dehydration $200
- B complex: energy booster $40 mxn per ml
Vitamin C: For immune system and tissue repair. $40 mxn per ml
Zinc: for immune system, metabolism and healing. $36 mxn per ml
- Glutathione Boost: for reducing oxidative stress and improving liver function $50 mxn per ml
- Magnesium: for nerve and muscle function, mood, natural relaxant $30 mxn per ml
- Sodium Bicarbonate: electrolyte to help body maintain ph balance, good for reducing stomach acid, indigestion, heartburn. $21 mxn per ml
- Selenium: is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and helps defend your body from chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. $60 mxn per ml
- Trace Minerals: Trace Minerals: give metabolic benefits like energy utilization, boost your metabolism, improves mood and brain fog. $50 mxn per ml
- Melatonin: reduces stress, headache reducer and sleep inhancer $173 mxn per ml
- DMSO: to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis $50 mxn per ml
- ALA: alpha lipolic Acid: anti-oxident, good for skin, memory and weightloss $120 mxn per ml
medications...when you need them
- Toradol (anti-inflammatory for head/body)$400 mxn
- Omeprazol (acid reflux) $400 mxn per ml
- Difenidol (anti-nausea)$400 mxn per ml
- Hioscina (anti-inflammatory for stomach pain) $400 mxn per ml